A life worth living is a life worth recording
Welcome to my personal blog! I am so excited to begin documenting what I learn as I go through my day to day life. It has been a long time coming but the time is here to get started.
My goal is two-fold, one personal and the other more altruistic. I personally would like to become a better writer and do a better job of documenting my progress as I continue to grow. The more altruistic desire is to share my successes and failures along the way.
Mentors and friends have saved me tons of time and trouble by sharing their personal experiences. My aspiration is to create a platform where I can share personal anecdotes and exoteric things I learn along the way, which may help someone else.
AND IF, not one person every reads these blogs….. at the very least my future generations can look back and have more context to the man I was.
Hope you stay tuned, I am excited to what the future holds and the life I will continue to create.